Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Check out the new http://www.teesonme.com/, we added a bunch of new collegiate, greek, and vintage t-shirt designs and also changed the layout to make it easier to navigate, but you'll still get the same low prices and superior customer service. If you ever have any questions email us at teesonme@yahoo.com, follow us on twitter @teesonme, and check us out on facebook at T'sonme Printing LLC.

The Pics are in order; Some of our custom orders for highhopesclothing.com, an Alpha Phi Alpha hoodie, The official shirt and visor for the MLK memorial "KIDS FOR KING", and the ever popular "OR DIE" series UH OR DIE.

Friday, July 29, 2011

End of The month

One of the many family reunion shirts we did this past summer, these were done for New Orleans Saints DE Will Smith, and our top 3 sellers for the month of July.

July flew by like a whirlwind. We had numerous custom orders, family reunions, the Dallas Greek Picnic, and the website officially launched with multiple sales in the first week.

This month was great, and everyone in the office can feel the momentum swing in a positive direction as we prepare for what looks to be a great school year. And we look forward to introducing new apparel and promotions to change the landscape of college and greek apparel everywhere.

The only bad news we got this month was that the Labor Day Classic between TSU and PV was moved to another day and the venue was changed from Reliant stadium to Delmar stadium. We were looking to make a big splash to a huge audience with some new shirts at the Classic...but no use in crying over spilled milk, we will still be at the game with both PV and TSU shirts for sell!

We are looking to have another great month in August as it kicks off with the Texas Greek Picnic. Just to let everybody know we are official vendors for the event and will be at both the Step Show and Picnic with all of our shirts as well as some new stuff for everyone to purchase.

And don't forget, if you need shirts go to http://www.teesonme.com/ or if you have any suggestions or shirt ideas don't hesitate to email us with your idea. If we like it, we'll make it! And as usual we are always on either Facebook or Twitter all the time if you wanted to talk directly to us.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Texas Greek Picnic

So we just got done with the Dallas Greek Picnic and if you read the last blog you know that it was a great event, full of good feelings, great food, and good music.

In 2 weeks the Texas Greek Picnic will be making its way to the Houston Area. This is what's so great about the summer, aside from the ridiculous heat, and the fact it barely rains, summer is the perfect time for picnics and family gatherings and that's exactly what the Greek Picnics are all about.

The great thing about this picnic is that it's being held in the Houston area and that means we don't have to travel and I can sleep in my own bed. Plus the fact that we are next to our homebase means that we have quick access to all of our stuff making it easier to serve our customers.

Teesonme is an official vendor for the Texas Greek Picnic and we look forward to seeing everyone at the weekends' events. We will be at both the step show and the picnic selling all of our great apparel and those watches that everyone loves so much.

If you want to purchase some of our great products before the picnic or just check out our online store please go to http://www.teesonme.com/ There you will find all of our products, plus have the ability to contact us for any custom orders you may want to place for your organization, small business, or whatever, we can do all orders!

Quote of the Day:

A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Dallas Greek Picnic pt 2

Man what a weekend!

The Dallas Greek Picnic was everything it was advertised to be and more. It was truly great to see all of the Divine 9 phamily coming together in unity and having a good time!

A quick joke about the heat...it's funny because every black person said at least once during a hot day, "Damn I couldn't be a slave in this heat!" Well I said it at least 3 times....But despite the ridiculous heat, somebody said it was 109 degrees, people still didn't let that deter them from enjoying their day.
There was great food, good music, and of course the best screenprinters in the business, Teesonme, with the hottest apparel for everyone to buy. And for the people who we didn't have stuff for, I want to apologize for that, next time all bases will be covered I promise.

We had a successful trip not just financially, but also business knowledge wise, and took a lot of notes based on some things that we saw, so all I can say is STAY TUNED, Teesonme has something huge in the works!

Quote of the day:

"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them."

Monday, July 11, 2011

Dallas Greek Picnic

These are the official shirts for the Dallas Greek Picnic (JULY 14-17 2011) courtesy of yours truly!

The Dallas Greek Picnic was created to serve a need in bringing together members of the “Noble Nine” Greek organizations in the Southwest. Alumni and undergraduate members have already RSVP’d from around the country and continuously inquire about this inaugural weekend in Dallas. It’s the time and place where “Old Heads” and all will come together and make new acquaintances, network, celebrate during this event-filled weekend.

The DGP event will take place every year around the same time to once again re-unite members of this great coalition. Many have made the comments and suggestions of such an event, and the response from the birth of the DGP event has brought in an enormous response and high expectations.

This highly-anticipated event will bring in over 5000+ alumni and college members of the Greek Sorority and Fraternity Organizational Network that are members of the “Noble Nine” which are mainly in the Southwest Region of the country, but have been able to bring members and guests from around the country. Members and friends are coming to fraternize and compete in competitions like the stroll/step competition, Greek DJ showcase, Greek basketball game, and many more.

The Dallas Greek Picnic Weekend has been one of the biggest community events in Dallas that has brought both seasoned and young from far and wide and will do so for many years to come.
Please visit the website for more info on activities and events that will be posted soon. The Dallas Greek Picnic is a charitable event that is free to the public to raise awareness and support for its charity of choice.

Quote of the Day :

I think togetherness is a very important ingredient to family life.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Alpha Phi Alpha Charles Haston Brother Keeper Program

<---All Brother's Keeper shirts done by Teesonme. On July 23, 2010, at the 90th General Convention in LasVegas, Nevada, the Brother’s Keeper Program was unanimously adopted as a national program by the general body of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., as a national program following a motion made by Brother Roderick Smothers, Southwestern Regional Vice President.
In addition, it was moved that the program “be incorporated into the membership intake process” as one of its required national service projects and that the program be named in honor of Brother A. Charles Haston. At this convention, 33rd General President Herman “Skip” Mason empowered the fraternity to operationalize the Brother’s Keeper program throughout the world of Alphadom.
The pictures above represent the true spirit of the Brother's Keeper program, helping those who have trouble helping themselves. It not only signifies the love that we should all have for eachother as people, but the willingness to place ones own time aside to help others, it is the true essence of Alpha.
We at Teesonme feel It is an honor to make the official Alpha Phi Alpha Brother's Keeper national program shirts, and it's also an honor to be part of such a great program that touches the lives of so many, and to show our support Teesonme has committed to donating proceeds from the sale of each shirt to the program.

Quote of the day:
A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom. Martin Luther King Jr.

Friday, July 1, 2011

So many watches

<---The Teesonme Hot Pink watch, great for those who want to stand out and be seen and also a great color to show your support for Breast Cancer Awareness....These watches are extremely popular, once we posted them on the facebook page we couldn't keep them in stock, check out the facebook photo gallery titled "teesonme watches" to see the other colors we carry.
These are for EVERYONE men and women, boys and girls, young and old! Do You have something in the closet you been dying to wear and need some accessories to go with it? Like the iphone, "we got a watch for that".
They are water-proof, easy to clean, very durable, and when the battery dies they are easy to change.
If you're in a fraternity or sorority and want to show your greek pride or your school pride then we can easily switch the colors around to cater to your needs, like I said earlier we have ALL COLORS.
And staying true to our roots we have made them affordable to EVERYONE, we are currently selling these watches at a price of $15.00 for one and our special 2 for $25.00, that's any color combination that you choose, if you want white with a black face, pink with a green face, or purple with a gold face, or maybe...well you get the point.
So if you have any questions inbox us on facebook, or email us at teesonme@yahoo.com, we always respond in a timely manner.
Also there is only one more month left in our "Summer Referral Program" if you don't remember ALL CUSTOM ORDERS THAT YOU REFER TO US OF $100.00 TO $199.99 WILL GET YOU $15.00 and ORDERS 200.00 AND UP WILL GET YOU $25.00, you can get your money by check, paypal or however you choose.
We've PAID OUT $245.00 so far, and we are looking to give more. It's free money people all you gotta do is say "Hey I know someone that does shirts," and if they make an order then tell us where to mail the check, easiest $25.00 you'll ever earn, and if it's not then please tell me what you do, this economy is a beast right now!

Quote of the day: The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Make Money with Teesonme!

So we where sitting around the office thinking of some ways we could give back to our great customers and advance the company to another level, when Todd came up with the idea to give the gift that everybody loves, MONEY.
Now the funny/great thing about owning a businees, and one thing I've noticed about most successful businesses, is they are owned by partners who are the complete opposite of each other when it comes to decision making. I'm more of the cautious lets take our time and plan things out type and Todd is the risk taker who's willing to go all out, it's like a good ying/yang.
We never do anything without questioning each other and if we can't come up with good answers we wil find a work around until we reach a decision we agree on. You have to have somebody there who is going to see exactly how comfortable you are with your decision. Do we butt heads, YES, but in the end the majority of the decisions we make have always been well thought out and executed damn near to perfection.
So after a few moments of weighing the pros and cons we decided, if it wasn't for the people who support us we wouldn't have gotten as far as we have, so Teesonme has decided to give you guys referral money, YUP your choice of cold hard cash, check, or paypal, what ever you decide.
So of course now your asking, "Marshall, gtfo here! what's the catch?" glad you asked, basically if you know anybody that needs shirts or anything we offer customized, just refer them to Teesonme, if they go through with the order tell them to give us your name and email address and we will contact you.
The program works like this, all orders $100.00 to $199.99 will get you $15.00, all orders $200 and up will get you $25.00, it's that easy.
We are going to be running this promotion from now until Aug 1st so get as many referrals as you can, THERE IS NO LIMIT. we love yall and be easy, until next time.

Quote of the day:
"This American system of ours, call it Americanism, call it capitalism, call it what you will, gives each and every one of us a great opportunity if we only seize it with both hands and make the most of it."

Monday, June 6, 2011

Family Reunion season

Shirts for the Harris Family Reunion!

It's summer and that means family reunions galore! A great time to reconnect with loved ones from the past and present and also get to know family that you probably haven't had the chance to meet before.
Right now Teesonme is running a great promotion for family reunions and other summer functions such as picnics, fireworks parties, birthday parties and more at the low price of 100 shirts for 4.99 each.
If shirts aren't enough to mark this special occassion for you we also offer coffee mugs, key chains, mousepads, pens and more to capture the moment and make sure that it's memorable for all.
So let Teesonme Printing handle all of your reunion needs and remember to place an order it's as simple as emailing us at teesonme@yahoo.com. Also feel free to check out www.teesonme.com, and follow us on twitter @teesonme.

Friday, May 27, 2011

www.teesonme.com is finally here..Almost

It has been a long time coming but www.teesonme.com is finally here, almost. After going through 2 different web designers, the first one was deported back to Africa, seriously. The funny thing is we found out he got deported the same day we agreed to fire him.
The second one started off very fast and made all the changes we asked, then he just stopped, everyday we were like "man he's really on it", then progress just stopped, so we had to let him go too. The funny thing is we weren't to enthusiastic about his creativity so it turned out to be a blessing.
But we finally met Q Guyton of www.aintnobodyfresher.com, check his site out, we did the shirts you see on there (shameless plug).
3rd times a charm I guess, He's doing a great job. When the site is offically 100% complete we will add a bunch of new designs for our vintage collection, Greeks organizations, and colleges, plus you'll also be able to order custom shirts for your organization, small business, events, birthday parties, graduations, church functions, bar mitzvahs and more! It's been a great journey but it's just getting started, we cant wait to start getting orders from around the nation and the world.

Funny Quote of the Day
"I told the doctor I broke my leg in two places. He told me to quit going to those places."